'Kim Min-jae's poor performance is Tuchel's fault' → Bayern Munich internal analysis denies the release..."The center back that Kompany trusts is Kim Minjae."

'Kim Min-jae's poor performance is Tuchel's fault' → Bayern Munich internal analysis denies the release..."The center back that Kompany trusts is Kim Minjae."

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Confidence in Kim Min-jae is reportedly increasing inside the Bayern Munich club.

Germany's Sport said on the 28th (local time) that Bayern Munich has a clear stance on Kim Min-jae and De Ligt. The Bayern Munich squad is in its early stages, but the central defense is expected to change. It is becoming increasingly clear what plans Bayern Munich and Kompany will make regarding the center-back.

The media outlet said, "Bayern Munich admitted Tuchel's mistake. There is growing evidence that de Licht is leaving and Kim Min-jae must stay. Kompany has decided to stay with Kim next season. Rumors of Kim's release have grown in recent days, but Kompany wants to stay with Kim. According to Bayern Munich's internal analysis, the interaction between Tuchel and Kim was not ideal. That's why Bayern Munich analyzed that it failed to show his class in Munich, which he had shown in Naples.

"Bayern Munich plans to hire Kim Min-jae," the German Liga Insider said on Friday. Kim Min-jae will have a clear position in the squad under Coach Kompany. Kim Min-jae is scheduled to be released, but the situation is different from that of Licht. In order to take advantage of Kim Min-jae, more communication between Kim Min-jae and the coaching staff should be made. Such a situation was rare when Tuchel was in charge of the team."
Kim came under public criticism from Tuchel after the first leg of the 2023-24 UEFA Champions League semi-final against Real Madrid last month. "Kim Min-jae must not be so aggressive. The center back must not do that," Tuchel said at the time. "Kim Min-jae is too greedy. There is no pressure on the ball and we don't know what will happen. It collapsed too easily. No one was there to help Kim. I think Kim wants to build a triangle in defense, which is not a good way to do that. To be too aggressive before the ball moves is to look too greedy."

On the other hand, Kim Min-jae said, "As a defender, I always played with faith. However, that was not always required in Bayern Munich, which caused internal conflicts. There were many times when I hesitated because I could not play with confidence during the game. I tried a lot to show what the coach wanted. I had to tactically listen to the coach's demands more, but I always failed to do it properly. Regardless of my mistakes, I have to know what I am good at and what I am not good at on the field." 여우알바

While Kim Min-jae and Tuchel disagreed on how to defend, coach Kompany and Bayern Munich management reportedly trust Kim Min-jae.

"Bayern Munich has a surprising twist with respect to Kim Min-jae," Germany's Sport said on the 27th. "Last season Bayern Munich center backs were not stable. That's why they want to change their defense in the transfer market this summer. All center backs except Dyer are said to be up for sale, but Kim Min-jae's situation will be different." He also said, "The management team led by Bayern Munich's director Ebe will be with Kim Min-jae. Over the next few weeks, Bayern Munich coach Kompany will show which center back he will rely on. Kim Min-jae is hoping for a second chance."

"Bayern Munich has made plans to continue with Kim," German media outlet FCB Inside said on Wednesday. "Bayern Munich wants to make changes to its defense. Only Dyer was considered essential for the new season's plan, but Kim Min-jae will likely remain with the team. While De Ligt is being mentioned as the top candidate for release, Kim seems to have made the opposite decision. The director of Everest and those in charge of Bayern Munich are planning to join Kim. The decision seems to be based on the fact that Kim wants to prove himself along with staying in Bayern Munich."

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